Thursday, June 7, 2012

Vaccines... Part 1 of many

I haven't forgotten you or the many topics I want to chat about.

We have been so busy with end of the school year activities... and school isn't even over yet! 

I want to share our vaccine journey with you...

Our almost 6 year old didn't get the Hep B vaccine in the hospital and I decline that one in general.  She also started her vaccines at 4 months of age, instead of 2, per the AAP schedule, and she received 1 at a time.  This meant that we moved slowly.

Here's the thing-- I believe in vaccines and all they stand for. I believe they have (mostly) eradicated dangerous, awful diseases from this country.  I am well aware that many people died from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) before vaccines were available.

I also know that the vaccine schedule, when I was born in 1975, meant that I received 8 or 10 vaccines by the time I went to Kindergarten.

Now?  If you follow the schedule, your child would receive something like 38 or 42 vaccines.

That's a lot.  Incidentally-- and this is just my own non-scientific observation-- there were NO children with autism in my elementary school.  The quirky kid in the corner?  Maybe there was 1 of him and I know him as a 36 year old and he outgrew his quirkiness.  My point?  The very few who were a little different likely weren't struggling with a developmental delay but instead that was just them-- maybe he was shy, maybe he was awkward.  Who knows.

But now?  Things are different.

The MMR vax was combined in 1992.  Shortly thereafter, the number of children being diagnosed with Autism or Spectrum disorders exploded.  Coincidence? 

Now, granted where there's smoke there isn't always fire but the smoke means there's at least something WORTH looking into.

How come our goverment doesn't seem interested in doing that?  Our country has astronomical numbers of children needing special services now.  What is going to happen when they reach college age?  and beyond?  What will happen when their parents are no longer here to take care of them?  Why isn't the government at least concerned about the massive drain on government funding available for these children that grow up to be adults that still require massive amounts of service?

Because the government sure isn't helping the average family to provide the therapy their children need to recover/reach their potential/get better.

At least, to this average family it isn't.  We have spent well over 50K out of pocket on Kate's various therapies and things associated with her delays and medical needs.  That is more than some people make in a YEAR.  and oh yes, that is cash.  Out of pocket.

We have finally reached a place where the drain is less, but not every family is in our position.  What do families do that can't afford to pay this?  Do their children not get the help they need? 

Anyway.. I digress.  Why do we have to give so many vaccines to little babies?

Why CAN'T we spread them out?  Why is the AAP so strict about their schedule?

Kate wasn't crawling or walking at 11 months, her eye contact wasn't great and she was beginning to miss some of her milestones.  It was at that point that our pediatrician suggested we HALT all vaccines until she was on target with her milestones. 

Food for thought huh?

Back later.. for Part 2.

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